Saturday, June 21, 2014

Yep! It's A Pickle

Who remembers The Pickle Episode from the Andy Griffith Show? I'm laughing
right now as I write this just thinking about Andy's expression on his
face when takes a bite of her pickles. 
Poor Aunt Bea's pickles ended up tasting like kerosene. She's a wiz in the
kitchen but she just can't seem to can pickles. 

Image source:
Image source:
Well, we're not going to do that now are we? Here is my tried and true recipe for
Kosher-Style Dill Pickles. I snatched this recipe from an old cook book
I found at a yard sale a long time ago but I've also added a little twist
with the Fresh Dill.

What you need:

2lbs of small cucumbers about 4 inches 
4 cups of water
4 cups of cider vinegar
6 TBSP of pickling salt
For Awesomeness I use about 14 heads of fresh dill but if you don't have fresh dill,
you can use 7 to 8 TBSP of dill seed instead
 Add 1 clove of garlic into each jar (6 cloves total)

What you gotta do:

1- Wash your cucumbers, remove stems, and cut off a slice from each blossom end.
In a large sauce pan combine water, vinegar,and pickling salt.
Bring to a boil.

2- Pack cucumbers loosely into hot STERILIZED pint jars, leaving a 1/2 inch headspace.
Add 2 to 3 heads of dill or 3 to 4 tsp of dill seed to each jar.
Pour hot vinegar mixture over cucumbers, leaving 1/2 inch headspace.
Wipe jar rims and adjust lids.

3- Process in a boiling water canner for 10 minutes (start timing when water begins 
to boil) Let stand for 1 week. Makes 6 pints

Fable Porch Farm Organic Cucumber Bloom

Fable Porch Farm Organic Cucumbers

Yep, we're in the foothills of NC. Love that red clay soil.

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