Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer on the Farm

Summertime is fun time here on the farm.

 With all the fresh goodness coming from our garden and all of the flowers in full bloom,
Summertime in most definitely fun time here on the farm.

Our tomatoes.

Our jalapeno peppers.


Bee balm and this little fellow I've yet to identify.

My favorite flower of the summer.....sunflowers!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Helping in the Shop

Every once in a while you'll catch me in the shop helping
out the guys. I must admit though, I would much rather be
working in the gardens instead! Here I am squaring 
a table top and getting it ready to be attached to one of 
our authentic, hand mortise and tenon, farmhouse trestle tables.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Adventure Begins

And so the adventure begins....

Our new adventure has now begun and we are SUPER excited to be able to share this with you all!

Check out our NEW website: